Saturday, June 25, 2011


What a releif,my school SMKJ won the Drama Competition last Wednesday.My school will represent Kubang Pasu to compete again in Alor Star.I'm glad we finally won but this Tuesday we're going to Alor Star.Oh God,i thought it would be ages away to compete again.I didn't have time to catch my breath!

Well,i better work hard AGAIN so we could go further.Hope SMKJ will be the champion again.He3,we all have to beleive in ourselves right?By the way,wanna know what i get to be?It's a bit funny but still,I did help SMKJ to be champion.Ha3,well i get to be Hansel.You know in the story of Hansel and Gretel?Usually little kids love reading books about fairytales,so you'll know.

Cool huh?At first i hated being Hansel.It's because i have to be like a Happy Go Lucky kid which i don't think i am for sure.Ha3,i have to skip and everything like a little girl.But still i have to get through it or else the teacher might scold me.Ha3,but i soon liked being Hansel maybe just a little  bit.

I love the drama team.We are open minded most of the time.We rarely fight i think?We prank each other all the time and we love it.Ha3,